Store I have found what looks like a good solution for the label’s post-Songfindr Bandcamp presence. I am setting up a store with Limited Run (which to the best of my knowledge is not affiliated in any way with Limited Run Games), and so far I am really impressed with what they are offering. The fact that this site has existed in more or less it’s present function for longer than I’ve been running Coraspect is a positive sign! I am currently reuploading the entire digital discography of Coraspect to the new store location, where they will all be available for download in FLAC and mp3 format for now until infinity, or until Limited Run closes their doors. I am planning to launch the new store on January 1st, and I plan to sell the majority of physical merchandise through Limited Run. I will still sell some on Bandcamp, however, I will be encouraging people to purchase from the new site, where prices will generally be cheaper than Bandcamp. Eventually, I’d like to move all physicals to the new site, and keep Bandcamp as a digital/streaming option. I look forward to showing you what I’ve been working on soon.